When it comes to keeping many homes looking clean, a gasoline-powered pressure washer is one example of pressure cleaning equipment that many modern home owners take pride in owning. Nonetheless, ensuring proper maintenance of this type of pressure washer is something that most of these home owners either tend to disregard or don't know how to do. If you have these high-performance cleaning aides in your home, here are a few useful tips to maintain common parts of the equipment and help keep the equipment working in top condition overall.

Engine and water pump maintenance

The engine in your gas-powered pressure washer requires maintenance attention just like a regular car engine, while the water pump found in this type of pressure washer works almost like the car's radiator.

If you want to keep the water pump of your gas pressure washer running efficiently, you'll need to change the oil in the pump in good time as well as keep away contaminants from the pump all the time. Removing contaminants from your pump can be achieved by flushing away any debris or dirt from the water pump.

Screen filters maintenance

Screen filters have an integral role to play as regards to keeping your pressure washer functioning as it should be. They are used to prevent dirt and debris, e.g. soil, grass, leaves, etc. from finding their way into vital mechanical components of your pressure washer. If you inspect these protective shields and discover that they are dirt-laden, simply wash out the dirt substances.

If screen filters show signs of wear and tear due to prolonged usage, remove and replace them immediately since leaving your pressure washer without any inline screen covering can lead to oil contamination by air-borne elements like dust. If contaminated substances are allowed to get into your pressure washer, they may clog the pump.

Spray gun and nozzles maintenance

Check the spray gun, the nozzle and the extension wand. If your spray gun comes with an attachable reservoir, an extension hose will help you to stay many strides away from the water source.

Ensure all connections are sealed properly. Pull the trigger of the spray gun to see if there are any fluid leaks, especially around connection areas. Also make sure that the gun returns to its initial position once you release the trigger.

Nozzles are used in fine-tuning the spray gun of your pressure washer. Make sure you wipe out any dirt found on the nozzle to prevent it from clogging or getting damaged permanently.
