Scientific studies have linked the use of asbestos to serious health problems, particularly lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos was used commonly in Australia in many industries, including the construction, automotive and manufacturing sectors until it was banned in 2003. However, this does not solve the problem of past use, and many homes and buildings still contain asbestos-containing materials. So what are the different types of asbestos, and what should you do if you suspect any presence?


There are six types of asbestos minerals, but only three were commercially exploited and commonly used in construction and other industries in Australia. The three most common types of asbestos are chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite.

Chrysotile is the most commonly found type of asbestos, particularly in building materials. It has a serpentine fibre structure and accounts for the majority of all asbestos used in building materials here. It is also known as white asbestos and is often found in roofing, insulation and ceiling tiles.

Amosite, also known as brown asbestos, was formerly used in various applications, including construction and insulation. It is most commonly used in industrial environments such as chemical manufacturing facilities.

Crocidolite (or blue asbestos) is the most deadly form of asbestos. It was predominantly used in manufacturing and insulation, but it was later discovered that this is a potent carcinogen. The use of blue asbestos was banned some time ago, but exposure still occurs due to its presence in buildings and other structures constructed before the ban.

The Other Players

Tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite are the other three types of asbestos that are less commonly found in Australia. Tremolite was frequently used in insulation materials and can still be found in some older properties. Anthophyllite was used for insulation and flooring, while actinolite was typically found in contaminated vermiculite products, which were used to insulate homes.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Presence?

It is important to be vigilant about this dangerous material. All types of asbestos are hazardous and long-term exposure to any of them can cause serious health problems. If you are exposed to asbestos, whether at work or at home, it's important to take immediate action, including seeking medical treatment. However, if you suspect that there may be asbestos on your property, you should get in touch with an asbestos removal company. They'll ensure that they safely dispose of or encapsulate the asbestos-containing materials, so you can eventually get back to business as usual.

For more information on asbestos removal, contact a professional near you.
